October 12, 2018
08:30 – 20:30
Fee: PIAU Members – no fee
Non-Members: $50.00
Hilton Gardens Hotel
277 Sego Lily Dr. Sandy, UT 84070
(across the street from Sandy City Hall)
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This year we have a great lineup of speakers and presentations that you will not want to miss! Mark your calendars now and register today.
- Fingerprinting – local law enforcement officers will discuss techniques for dusting and lifting fingerprints from crime scenes and conference participants will have the opportunity to apply these skills real time.
- The Law and the PI – retired Assistant Attorney General will discuss important legal topics as they relate to the private investigator including:
- Appropriate drone use and restrictions.
- Trespassing and stalking.
- Financial records access.
- GPS placement and tracking, and other critical topics.
- Best Practices 101 – experienced private investigator, paralegal, and prior law enforcement officer will discuss subjects critical to your practice’s success including:
- Assignment survival – cover the basics before you leave the office, it could save you time and money.
- New clients and cases – Vetting clients to determine if this the right case for your practice.
- Process service basics – avoid legal challenges by doing it right the first time.
- Ethical vs. legal considerations – clean investigations and “keeping it between the lines.”
- DNA and the PI – professional DNA lab technicians will present and discuss DNA use and collection applications for the private investigator including collection, preservation, and practical uses of DNA lab results.
- Utah Interactive Online Data Resources – team members from Utah Interactive will discuss and demonstrate practical uses of the stat of Utah’s online data repositories including:
- Division of Motor Vehicle Title, License and Registration (TLR) records
- Driver’s License Division records
- Business Entity records, and more.
- PIAU General Business and Membership – regular quarterly business items including updates to the corporate bylaws.
All of this and of course outstanding networking opportunities. Agencies should bring business cards and brochures to share and Apprentices/Registrants should prepare and bring a one or two-page (we suggest two sided printing) bio detailing your experience, availability, and the types of work you are wanting to do to share with the Agents that hire out to Apprentices/Registrants.
We will also raffle some fun items during the conference. You’ll get one free ticket with your admission and additional tickets will be available for purchase. Lunch is provided.
Join us for this great and networking opportunity – we’re confident you’ll have a great time. I look forward to seeing everyone at the conference!
Kevin Wyatt